Welcome to Crich Tramway Village News, where you'll find all the latest news and information from the National Tramway Museum.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Restoration and Maintenance

Our current restoration project London United Tramways 159 was successfully re-united with it's trucks this weekend. This marks a significant milestone in this project which started in 2005. This allowed the first opportunity to see the completed sign-writing on the sides of the tram for the first time outside, the sun coming out at just the right time.

3006 is seen on the museum's lifting jacks to allow it's running gear to be removed for overhaul. Whilst the car is not available the museum is offering a reduced admission charge

At the same time, work began on the planned heavy maintenance work to our access car Berlin 3006. It is seen here, already devoid of it's pantograph being towed into the workshop to be lifted from it's wheels and motors.