Some time ago, and thanks to some funding from MuBu (the Museum Buddies scheme funded through Renaissance East Midlands), the Museum invited a small group of students from Highfields School in Matlock to investigate our street furniture.
The students came in to the Museum during the last week of October 2010, which was also their half term holiday, proof of their dedication! The aim of this project was to produce audio guides to the street furniture at the Museum.
During this week, the group researched and produced scripts to bring to life the history behind various objects on the Museum’s period street. They then recorded the scripts; made use of some rather ordinary objects including a paper bag to make great sound effects; and then edited their work. The items of street furniture include the Police Box, the Tram Shelter and the Depot Gates.
The students were given the opportunity to work with several wonderfully creative people including creative script writer Linda Kempton, staff from Sound Delivery, a digital media and production company, plus staff and volunteers from the Museum.
The result is several informative and entertaining audio guides, the link for which you can find below. These audio guides will be available to download from our website.
After several days of hard work and being plied with mountains of cake, the students’ thoughts were…
‘Can we have Doritos tomorrow? And Pringles. And dips.’
I think it would be fair to say that an enjoyable and productive time was had by all!
To listen to the Audio Guide click
For Further information see the following websites: